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18th April 2004
The Jabberwocky Homepage wins the Golden Web Award 2003-2004. We would to thank for this award.

10th April 2004
New version of JAM (Jabberwocky Account Manager) available. Added an option to toggle the automatic overwriting of the "account.xml" file. You will find this script in the download section.

07th April 2004
Roger Clark also updates his ARexx script that takes now full advantage of the new 1.5pre1 of Jabberwocky. You will find this script in the download section.

07th April 2004
We got the first Preview of Jabberwocky V1.5 ready. Get it here.

This Version is slightly modified with support for setting the account via arexx (with two arguments to the connect function).

29th March 2004
Roger Clark made a new ARexx Script. This hack allow Jabberwocky to use multiple Jabber servers, or multiple user accounts. Jabberwocky currently requires a restart when you use this to change your account information. This script uses RxMUI available on Aminet. You will find this script in the download section.

This Page is Copyright 2002-2025 by Matthias Münch. All Rights Reserved.